Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I know this is a little late but I wanted to share our Easter with everyone. It was a great day! Camy got her very first Easter basket, which is so cute. Then we got up and got everyone ready in their Easter clothes and I must say, we have the cutest baby in the world! She looks pretty surprised in these pictures but still adorable. Our first stop was church and the service was amazing! Camy went to the nursery for the first time other than during my bible study so needless to say it was much more crowded and I was a little nervous. She did fine though, and thank goodness our number did not pop up on the screen! The service itself was excellent. We are so blessed to have such creative and talented people in our church. They put so much into every service, but this particular one was even above and beyond their ususal. Pastor Bob did a great job at telling the Easter story in a unique way too.
After church we headed home where I began to cook a few things to take to my aunt Bee's for Easter dinner. The picture below is of Camy, Aunt Bee, and Uncle Jim. Every year my aunt Bee has Easter dinner for our whole family so we had about 25 people over there, and enough food to feed about 50! Aunt Bee's health is not the best but every year she goes out of her way to make sure our family is together on the holidays. It was a lot of fun cooking, talking, and eating with everyone and catching up on what is going on in their lives.
We didn't have an egg hunt this year because all of the kids are too old and Camy is too young but next year we'll definitely hide a few for her to find.
Anyway I better go get a few other things done while she's napping! Have a great day!


  1. What a beautiful little girl! Of course she looks like you all! I am so proud! Miss you all!
    Mom XOXOX

  2. What a cutie! I still want to come see her sometime! :) And you too, of course! Miss you hun!
